1 - 19 of 19 Listings
Birkey's Farm Store-Admin Office - Hoopeston, Illinois
Location:1037 S Dixie Hwy
Hoopeston, IL, USA 60942
Phone: +1 217-283-5191
Contact: Todd Bohlmann
Company Details
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Width: 12.19 m
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 210
Separator Hours: 185
Drive: 2WD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 423
Drive: 2WD
Serial Number: HAJ8N4NKRG257181
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 615
Separator Hours: 459
Drive: 2WD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 824
Separator Hours: 613
Drive: 2WD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 974
Transmission Type: Mechanical Shuttle
Drive: 2WD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 249
Transmission Type: Sync Shuttle
Drive: MFWD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 965
Automated Transmission Type: CVT
Drive: MFWD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 332
Automated Transmission Type: CVT
Drive: MFWD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 835
Drive: Row Track
Serial Number: ZPRK02396
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Automated Transmission Type: CVT
Drive: Track
Serial Number: JJAM380AKRF02980
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Number of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Number of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Number of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 439
Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: MFWD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Hours: 2,232
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: 4WD
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Serial Number: 27181
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.
Serial Number: 1411173
Location: Hoopeston, Illinois, USA
Seller: Birkey's Farm Store, Inc.