1 - 6 of 6 Listings
Serial Number: 9A301718
Condition: Used
Stock Number: 61815
Location: Archbold, Ohio, USA
Seller: Yoder and Frey Inc
Hours: 1,582
Drive: 2WD
Engine Output: 35 HP
Location: Newville, Pennsylvania, USA
Seller: Nolt's Equipment
Drive: 2WD
Engine Output: 38 HP
Serial Number: 9A241870
Location: Lenox, Michigan, USA
Seller: Rosseel's Equipment, Inc.
Hours: 1,234
Drive: 2WD
Transmission Type: Gear Drive
Location: Frederick, Maryland, USA
Seller: Gladhill Tractor
Drive: 2WD
Loader: Yes
Engine Output: 18 HP
Location: Archbold, Ohio, USA
Seller: Yoder and Frey Inc
Drive: 4WD
Engine Output: 20 HP
Serial Number: 0000
Location: Twycross, Atherstone, United Kingdom
Seller: Startin Tractors Limited