1 - 13 of 13 Listings
Premier Equipment LLC - Isabel, South Dakota
Location:210 S. Hwy 20
Isabel, SD, USA 57633
Phone: +1 605-466-2119
Contact: Monte Lindskov
Company Details
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Hours: 8,500
Drive: MFWD
Engine Horsepower: 275 HP
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Hours: 914
Drive: 4WD
Condition: Used
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Length: 12.19 m
Number of Rear Axles: Tandem
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Serial Number: 41609
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Hours: 2,187
Drive: MFWD
Loader: Yes
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Hours: 3
Drive: MFWD
Loader: Yes
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Hours: 1,030
Drive: MFWD
Loader: Yes
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Hours: 1,858
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Remote Hydraulics: 3
HasPTO: Yes
Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Drive: 4WD
Condition: Used
Miles: 2,107 km
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Isabel, South Dakota, USA