1 - 16 of 16 Listings
Dan Bieber Equipment - Pound, Wisconsin
Location:W8306 Hwy 64
Pound, WI, USA 54161
Phone: (920) 764-7024
Contact: Dan Bieber
View On Map
Hours: 3,300
Drive: 2WD
Engine Horsepower: 47 HP
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 4,725
Drive: 2WD
Engine Horsepower: 74 HP
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Number of Rows: 2
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 992
Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: MFWD
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 1,372
Transmission Type: IVT
Drive: MFWD
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 1,308
Transmission Type: IVT
Drive: MFWD
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 10,333
Transmission Type: Quad Range
Drive: 4WD
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Serial Number: 8523
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 5,869
Drive: 2WD
Engine Horsepower: 120 HP
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Serial Number: 3432
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Serial Number: 257254
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Serial Number: NT181136
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Serial Number: 584
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Stock Number: FL4548
Length: 14.63 m
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 5,466
Drive: 2WD
Engine Horsepower: 105 HP
Location: Pound, Wisconsin, USA