1 - 28 of 61 Listings
AKRS Equipment - Syracuse, Nebraska
Location:257 N 30th Road
Syracuse, NE, USA 68446
Phone: (402) 226-1437
Contact: Sales Dept
Company Details
View On Map
Hours: 72
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 50
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 87
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 131
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 822
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFBB20XCN0064585
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFBB20XEN0064584
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFBB50LHN0022686
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFRB21HCN0144126
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFRB21HVM0143820
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFRB21HCM0143873
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Serial Number: 1XFRB21HLM0143870
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 352
HasPTO: Yes
Transmission Type: IVT
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 431
HasPTO: Yes
Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 514
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 560
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 500
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: IVT
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 361
Remote Hydraulics: 6
HasPTO: Yes
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 500
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 522
Remote Hydraulics: 6
HasPTO: Yes
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Width: 9.14 m
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 100
HasPTO: Yes
Transmission Type: IVT
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 2
Drive: MFWD
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3
Drive: MFWD
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3
Drive: MFWD
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA
Hours: 3
Transmission Type: Hydro
Drive: MFWD
Location: Syracuse, Nebraska, USA