1 - 28 of 36 Listings
AKRS Equipment - Neligh, Nebraska
Location:1110 E Highway 275
Neligh, NE, USA 68756
Phone: (402) 226-1437
Contact: Sales Dept
Company Details
View On Map
Hours: 1,350
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 4,003
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 467
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: IVT
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 263
HasPTO: Yes
Drive: Track
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Width: 10.67 m
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Width: 10.67 m
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Width: 12.19 m
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Width: 12.19 m
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Width: 13.72 m
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Serial Number: 1KM0659GCPP142830
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Serial Number: 1KM0659GCPP142772
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Serial Number: 1KM0659GJMN139786
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Serial Number: 1KM0770GCPP142719
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Serial Number: 1KM0770GTPP143086
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Serial Number: 1KM0770GTMN139840
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 108
Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: MFWD
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 97
HasPTO: Yes
Drive: MFWD
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 6,588
HasPTO: Yes
Transmission Type: IVT
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 2,419
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 319
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 683
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 1,648
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Hours: 2,070
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, USA
Seller: AKRS Equipment