1 - 7 of 7 Listings
Serial Number: 1101300841230
Condition: Used
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Seller: Powers Auction Service
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Pontiac, Illinois, USA
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Lamar, Missouri, USA
Seller: Heritage Tractor - Lamar
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Ord, Nebraska, USA
Seller: Titan Machinery
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Imperial, Nebraska, USA
Seller: Titan Machinery
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Seller: Johnson Tractor
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: Geneva, Nebraska, USA
Seller: Geneva Implement